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Keep a Record of
everything that matters to you

Create weekly meal plans based on your personal recipe collection, maintain an exercise record, store and plan events and concerts. And so much more...

* no credit card required

plan Created with Sketch. Plan

on a weekly basis and schedule records into custom slots. View your week at a glance.

Schedule your records within a week and organize your day with slots.
Filter your records, so you get exactly what you're looking for. Find records you haven't scheduled that often.
For example: Recipe "Salad" has rarely been scheduled in the past, so you schedule it for slot "Dinner" tomorrow.
Have a detailed view of your records and their data. Use it to view your recipes while cooking.
Product screenshot

record Created with Sketch. Store

data as records in the shape of your choice.

Record definitions.
Create custom shapes of your data with record definitions. Add attributes to those record definitions and choose from a predefined list of data types.
Product screenshot

connect Created with Sketch. Connect

your records with links to create relationships.

Creating relationships with links between your records allows you to group records together and utilize those links to filter your records.
Product screenshot

Share your records and plans with others via teams.

By inviting other people to your team, you can collaborate on your records and plans.

Our philosophy

Spend as little time as possible with our app.
We want our software to act as a tool and don’t trick you into spending more time in our app. Don’t over-organize your life in here. It should help you, not bond you to a screen all day long.
Have context, always.
You should be given enough information to know where you are in our app at any time and not get lost.
We don’t want to be too smart and overwhelm you with magic recommendations to lose context every time you refresh the page. You know best what you want.
"Eat your own dog food"
We believe it's essential, that companies use their own products. KeepRecord was created out of our own needs, and we use it daily.
Reliability, predictability, performance
Software should be predictable and solid. You should achieve your goal in the quickest way possible by not using slow animations or too much bloat.
No data-collection by design
We purposefully avoid linking to websites known for collecting data. Have you realized there's no cookie notification when you use our site? This absence underscores our commitment: we do not gather any data for analytics, marketing, or personalization purposes. The sole use of cookies on our platform is to facilitate your login process.
No "Please use me!" reminders
It’s a tool. Don’t feel obligated to use it. We’re not making you feel guilty of not using it regularly. It will never give you big warnings or strong colors if you didn’t schedule anything.

Simple and fair pricing

We chose to sustain this product by charging money instead of selling your data.

Decide for yourself if you prefer monthly or yearly payments.


$2.99 /month



$29.99 /year


Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Do I need to purchase a subscription for my family members?
It depends on what you need. If your family members just need view access, since you want to just share for example your meal plan, only you need an active subscription/trial. Your family members can still view your plan and records after their trial period ends. They can even edit existing records, slots or definitions, but cannot create new ones or delete any existing data.
What happens after my subscription or trial ended?
You can only edit existing data and will not be able to create any new or delete any existing data if you don't (re-)subscribe. This applies to the plan view as well. In order to keep using it, you need an active subscription.
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KeepRecord is part of RecordNetwork